works with online marketers in a wide variety of industries
including: financial services, retail, health & beauty,
real estate, software, telecommunications, entertainment, and
education. Advertisers count on AddRev to cost effectively
drive a high volume of leads, new customer acquisition,
and/or transactions online.
AddRev delivers on these objectives by running advertisements
for our clients on leading Web publishers' sites. In general,
our marketer clients run advertisements only in the unsold
or underutilized ad inventory of our publisher partners,
who include many of the Internet's leading Web portals,
Top 100 sites, and email providers. In many cases, AddRev
has strategic relationships with these leading publishers
who work exclusively with us to sell their unsold ad inventory.
AddRev's clients pay for their online advertising campaigns
on a cost per action (CPA), cost per click (CPC), cost
per thousand (CPM), or hybrid basis. No mater which pricing
system is used, results are always tracked on an effective
cost per action basis, so the marketer never pays more
than they can afford for a lead, registration, application,
new customer acquisition, purchase, or other action.
AddRev does much more than simply place clients' ads on
publishers' Web sites and email lists, however. We also
often work with our advertisers to help develop their
online marketing strategy, consult on ad and landing page
design, develop proprietary ad serving and optimization
strategies, and assist clients in implementing results
tracking solutions. We provide these services because
our experience has shown that top ad creative, landing
page design, and ad serving strategies often increase
online advertising response rates by over 600%.
AddRev has assembled a broad network of partner companies
in the fields of ad production, rich media production,
Web site design, and campaign results tracking and many
of our advertisers frequently tap into these resources.